Unspoken Truth Podcast Network

Segment Working Class Woman Movement: Celebrating International Women’s Day 8th Mar'24

By Nita Terry Tee and More

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This is the Working-Class woman movement: Celebrating International Women’s Day 8th March 2024 

“We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to-do’ list.”Michelle Obama,

The campaign theme for International Women's Day this year is Inspire Inclusion.

When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world.

And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.

The statement is collectively let’s forge a more inclusive world for women stands as a very imperative statement. I pose the question can we collectively forge a more inclusive world, when its women themselves that create an environment that isn’t inclusive. 

“When the treatment of women is not equitable, we must take action.”

Lets hear the thoughts of other women and where they stand with the question posed. We are the working class women movement using our voices in hopes they do not fall on death ears..

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Welcome to the Working-class women movement (Me), using our voices in hopes they do not fall on death ears (MTEE), reclaiming the activism of working-class women (Ziyanda), increasing chances of gender equality & pay equality. (Mthunzi) This podcast advocates for women voices and equal rights in a working-class environment, (Mimi) 

Focusing on economic issues and claiming women’s space in leadership.(ME)

Wathint' Umfazi, Wathint' Imbokodo (Sharon)


This is the Working-Class woman movement: Celebrating International Women’s Day 8th March 2024 

“We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to-do’ list.”Michelle Obama,

The campaign theme for International Women's Day this year is Inspire Inclusion.

When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world.

And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.

The statement is collectively let’s forge a more inclusive world for women stands as a very imperative statement. I pose the question can we collectively forge a more inclusive world, when its women themselves that create an environment that isn’t inclusive. We speak in groups and passages, fearful of women in power. We say give a woman power and she might forget she was once at that position, seeing herself better then any other women around her. 

This is the unspoken, we might fight a patriarchal society, yet our setbacks are those who look like us, it is a woman in a workplace that will treat you badly, it is a woman that will undermine you, it is women that will question maternity and fail to acknowledge carers leave. International women’s day movement is looking at the outside instead of the inside as the bias’s reside within the women society. It is a change of attitude that changes the world, its unity and solidarity within us that will make a difference. 

Share my story …. I have come across amazing women that have paved a way for me and will forever be grateful to them. In this journey as an aspiring working-class woman, I have come across of women who are not there to build but run a dictatorship do as I say as I have no room to listen to your opinions and views.

 I have worked with women that believed the only way I achieved some things in my working environment, I had to have slept my way to that position. 

It is women that have reported me because they believed my bust was distracting in a workplace. It is women that have created a hostile environment in which I had to work in. We say that men do not listen and tend to be dismissive, the real question is who is really listening? who is really taking the campaign to forge an inclusive world for women? It is all fair and well when we have movements that advocate for equality. We talk of pay gaps amongst gender , yet there is a pay gap within women of colour and non-women of colour, this is beyond just being a woman, there are still a lot of bias’s being a woman of colour too. Again, I ask can we collectively forge a more inclusive world for women? it might take 100 years for our daughters to ever experience a world that is inclusive, a world where they do not have to fight pay gaps, a world their voices are heard without prejudice. I say to you all let’s start within ourselves and then the patriarchal society we need to do house keeping and then the movement might just make a huge difference. 


“When the treatment of women is not equitable, we must take action.”

Lets hear the thoughts of other women and where they stand with the question posed. We are the working class women movement using our voices in hopes they do not fall on death ears..

Take it away Ladies 


In conclusion Can we have a more inclusive world for women ? will it ever exist ? Lets not shy away from the truth and stand our ground not to only be seen but be heard and treated with respect. Thank you all for listening 

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I am Nita Terry Tee your Host of unspoken truth podcast network. 

We are the working class woman movement

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